
yesterday, 10.11.11

yesterday was fun. 

we got to eat lunch together at Harvard. 
Yay for study breaks! 

I got to go shopping at H&M-- for the very first time.
right when i stepped in.... it was an amazing feeling. 
I was very happy with what I was seeing.

On my way to H&M though, I saw something that made me love Boston more.
H&M is located in the Downtown Crossing area of Boston and there are some historical city sites there, such as the First City Hall, an old graveyard, old houses, the site where the Boston Massacre occurred is really close, etc. Even the street where H&M is located on is cobblestone-y. It's pretty neat. 
Well, as I was walking along, here comes a man, dressed like he just stepped out of battle in the Revolutionary War, walking my way, jolly as can be.  
No, it wasn't for Halloween. 
They're tour/historical guides!! 
I want to go back and sit in one of the benches and just watch... 

I thought it was pretty cool. I wanted to take a picture, but decided against it. 
I'm working on looking like a resident, not a tourist. :)
and it must be working!
I've had several people ask me for directions. 

Another great thing about yesterday: it was another "1-year-ago" moment for us. 
  On October 11, 2010, Nelson and I went to McDonald's together for the very first time. 
It doesn't sound like that big of a deal.. but it was a significant point for our relationship. I'm pretty sure Nelson wasn't as happy/excited like me to go [he was/is more health-conscious than me], but I thought it was really sweet of him to be willing to go and eat with me. Needless to say, we had lots of fun. Like we always did. Like me always do. 
So, in honor of that, we went and had dinner at McDonald's. 
mmmmmm. i love my Big Macs. 
but.. i love my husband more. 

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