
baby [+ this weekend]

nope. nothin yet. 

Our due date is this Friday though. If he doesn't come within the next week, we'll be induced next week. 

We were sure it'd be this past President's Day weekend... yeah, that didn't happen. 
Well, we're just waiting..
enjoying these last few days where the Nelson and Ginnie family is just two peas in a pod. 
we're having fun. 
playing games, eating random foods, staying up late, sleeping in... 

Some pictures from this past weekend:
 For one of Nelson's Valentine's presents, I bought a couple cans of Stoney Ginger Beer.  He first experienced it when he went to Africa and has told me about it several times.. I took it as a hint. ;)
 that look of pure satisfaction... 

 for me: Nelson set up a scavenger hunt around our home with all my gifts!! Um, so even if you live in a small apartment, the "warmer/colder" game is actually quite difficult.  And have you seen a 39-week-old pregnant lady frantically run around the house?  
Oh, it was so. much. fun. [no sarcasm. it really was a blast. we're thinking of making it a family tradition]
I love sparkling water, so he got me two bottles, a bar of one of my favorite candy, a sweet quote from Elder Russell M. Nelson, and then...
 these fancy creatures!! 
When I found them and looked at them, I was so surprised because I told him once that I liked a vintage button ring at a market in Portland... and he noted it and got me three. 
Oh, did I mention: 
he made them. 

Say whaaaat?? 

I just chuckled when he first told me as I was examining them, but then he was serious.  He showed me the supplies and everything. 
Quit grad school and open up an etsy shop, we will. 
mmm hmmm. 

This isn't from this weekend [yesterday], but it's from a package from Nelson's sister and their family.  They sent us some baby clothes (hurray for baby fashion show these next few months!) and our nephew wanted to specifically point out that these were for Uncle Buddy, not "dat baby."  :)
Despite the photo, Uncle Buddy LOVED them. and we WILL squeeze him into them.

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