
this weekend...

was memorable... special... exciting... 

We had the last of our guests {for probably a little bit} stay with us last week: our sisters Polly and Lindy!  Lindy had just come home from her mission and she so willingly graced us with her presence!  It was the first time she had seen Nelson and me together as a couple... married... and parents!  She handled it all very well though.  We had a ball playing together this past week, especially our little man.  He loves his aunts.  Already a flirt that little one... he sure is used to getting attention.  Spoiled... :)  

Early Saturday morning, another little boy joined the family: 

Genny and James welcomed their boy!! 6 weeks after Auden! They are going to be GREAT friends. And is it just me... or could these two boys related?
Maybe it's just the baby-ness... 

The three of us went to church for the first time together on Sunday.  That was an adventure.  Practice will make perfect.  When perfection will come... is still TBD.  One of the best parts of our Sunday though was seeing all four babies that were born in the same week together! What a great group. Babies, babies, babies... 

I wish I could tell you we did something photogenic and extra fun for Easter... but we're still adjusting to this new life we're living.  I can't believe that it's been six weeks since he's joined us. The number of pictures on my phone now have grown exponentially these past few weeks.  He has absolutely captivated me and amazes me every day.  How can such a beautiful being be mine? I love love love being his mother.   I'm still figuring things out... wondering if I'm doing this or that right... but it's fabulous.  It's fantastic.  It's fascinating.  

Another {awesome} note: Instagram is now on Android!!!! 
Now all my photos have a place to be shown off.... 
Like this one:
We call it: "The Martha Washington" 

He liked it.

Hope you had a lovely weekend as well! 


  1. Ginnie forgot to mention that she organized the musical numbers for our church service this weekend. The Easter program was wonderful due to her hard work.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. WOW! They do look a ton a like! Great find those two pictures: both newborn at the hospital with that same sort of sleepiness about them.

    So on the first Sunday back at church, was the Easter program, and you had found people/coordinated/planned the musical numbers? That is a lot of work and pressure, especially as a brand new mom. Kudos. That's amazing.

    I LOVE your instagram pictures. Both his expression and the creativity in the Martha Washington picture is awesome.

    Love this post!
