
oh hey, merry christmas!

remember us?? hope you had a joyous Thanksgiving and we wish you a Merry Christmas!! 

{a Christmas card is (hopefully) going to be out soon}

in the meantime, here are some pictures from our ward Christmas party!  it was fa-la-la-la-la-bulous! The girl in charge, Rachel, cut out approx. 5,000 circles and taped them to fishing line and hung them all over the gym ceiling.  Oh, did I mention she has an 8 month old baby?  Yeah.... way to make us all look bad. ;) 

Auden's first experience meeting Santa!

 all is well...... 

until he realized that neither his mama or dada was holding him....  PANIC.

 "somebody help me!!!" 


"oh why!?!? WHYYYYYY!?!?" 

I felt so bad... but it was sosososo cute and funny.... but as you can see below:  

It was all smiles once again. :) 

Christmas has always been such a joyful, miraculous, heartwarming, and magical time of year.
But when you've got a baby?? 
{as cute as this munchkin}....

Well, we're happy. 
so very, very happy. 

Merry, Merry Christmas!!

1 comment:

  1. Just like his Dad's reaction to Santa when he was a really little.
