
Strolling through the hallways....

He can't walk yet... 
But he's got the senior citizen thing down-- perfectly! 

One of our fellow apartment neighbors even commented and said, 
"It's funny how as we get older we go back to this stage.  My grandfather walks just like him." 

Do you see what I mean?? 

Also, thank you to everyone who read and/or commented on my feminism rant post.  I really do appreciate everyone who took their time to do so.  It wasn't a short post.  I am really passionate about this topic and I hope that it enlightened and brought some understanding for people.  Please feel free to criticize or tell me what you don't agree with!! I love a good, healthy conversation about this topic of feminism.  I plan on posting more about some insights and hopefully you'll continue to read.  Thank you again! 


  1. ahhh he is a pro! and i loved your last post as well. it's always nice to see well-written opinions and sides of discussions you hadn't ever really thought of.

  2. This made us all sad--I can't believe we haven't seen him in that long!!!! Plus, he's gone from a chubbsa little baby to a little walking person! I'm so grateful I got to visit your place in Boston because I can picture where different videos and pictures take place. I/we had so much fun with you in Boston. Love & miss you guys!

  3. Thank you everyone! :) We love you all!
