
catching up from Christmas {photo dump}

Oh, hey 2013! 

We are back in Boston.  all three of us. 
We were in Utah enjoying the holidays with family.  It was a mighty good three week vacation for me. It's also really heartwarming to see this kid: 

spend some time with his relatives.  
now that we're back, I'm missing the lights... the food... the festivities... the laughter... 
Christmas was so amazing this year with Auden.  I can't believe his first Christmas has come and gone and now we're approaching his first birthday
Am I really going to be a mother of a one-year-old?? 
It's hard for that fact to sink in.  Does it ever get easier? The realization of where your life is at that certain moment?  I remembering feeling that way about going into junior high... high school... graduating high school... college... after college... engaged... married!
those four letters are so profound. filled with so many memories and experiences.  so many character-changing stuff. 
These pictures are just a few moments from our Christmas break.  Let the reminiscing begin. 

 The Pace Family Grandchildren's (as in all the Paces) Christmas Party.  Theme: Back to Zarahemla {during the time of the birth of Christ} talk about a holiday party, right?? 

can you tell who my in-laws are?? 
I'll give you a hint.... "may the odds be ever in your favor!" 
Book of Mormon-themed games, in Hunger Games format.  

We were really lucky to spend time with both families for Christmas during the break.  We spent actual Christmas Eve/day with my family at their house and then a couple days later we had another Christmas Eve/day with Nelson's family in their cabin!  Um... so pretty sure our break can be defined as "awesome."  

{ignore the messy counter... our fault. when I say "our" i mean "Auden"}
One of the BEST gifts though, was that my sister announced she is going on a mission!  her papers are in and we are just waiting for the call!  I'm betting on Korea..... 

one of Auden's Christmas ornaments his Nonnie made.  It's one of my favorite pictures of him.  If only I could get a close up of those lips!  

Christmas at the cabin: 
I took the liberty of taking more pictures here.  My camera was dead for Christmas at my parents.... sorry, folks! (and folks as in my folks)
You'd think being around family would mean we'd take advantage of more opportunities for family pictures. wrong. good thing we got a tripod for Christmas! 

i looked back and saw this moment. I had to capture it. Pace boys just chillin. 

those boys!!! love them.

yes, that is a real bunny. Meet Houdini!  

 he was semi-sick at the time.  I am really sorry to his Nonnie, Grumpa, aunties, and uncles for this face that they saw all. the. time. He is a much happier boy now, now that he is well.  

to end on a prettier note... instead of Auden's distressed face.... 

Merry Christmas! 
(Because those two words mean so much happiness and love)


  1. Beautiful pictures! Ginnie you have an artist's eye, a professional's skill and the heart view of a writer. These pictures made my day/week/month!

  2. AWESOME!!!! I'm so glad you posted these! Both boys on Grumpa's lap made me so happy and miss you all at the same time. Houdini was there? That's so cool! I love the picture of both baby boys on top of the presents. So fun!

  3. YUNNIE!!!! I don't know if she'll read this/see this but WE ARE SO EXCITED FOR YOU! We also hope you are called to serve in Korea.

  4. yay for familia! and cute boys and their almost last major first holiday...so crazy.

  5. Babies in the presents = best picture of Christmas
