
{insert "Finding Nemo" pun}

We survived!! Nemo came, went, and we are a-ok!  In all our time of being in Boston, we had never seen anything like this before.  It was incredible, scary, and so much fun.  Not necessarily because of the snow, but because the three of us were able to spend so much time together.  that was the. best. part.  Unfortunately, there were two "Pace-ents" (haha.. "patients?") during the weekend.  Auden and I both have Croup-- inflammation of the vocal chords.  Basically, I sound like I'm dying when I'm trying to sing and Auden sounds like the little angel he is.  He was super happy that daddy was around so much so we'd hear him singing in his crib when he'd wake up, and it was a lullaby for daddy: "dadadaaaaaaadadaddadadadaaaaa." It was so sweet.  We really should have a recording of it before he grows out of this stage.

Yesterday, church was cancelled and so we were able to have church at home.  It was a really sweet experience to see and feel the Spirit so strongly in our home.  I am so grateful to have my wonderful husband be a worthy priesthood holder so we are able to have an opportunity like that.  Again, this weekend was so wonderful because the three of us had so much time.

This is NOTHING compared to the aftermath. 

For lunch on Saturday, we had pizza that my innovative Nelson made on a skillet (our oven was broken) and watched "Arthur."  We've watched it a few times and Auden loves it. he dances every time the theme song comes on.  And I don't mind if he likes it.  It is some great stuff.  Such great life lessons.

about two-thirds of the work... see that car on the left next to the truck?? basically you can't even see/tell it's a car now.  Luckily the snow plow/bull dozer didn't take it with them.

it's sad and beautiful to see trees sagging from all the snow.  

the two Pace boys matching! I love it. 

a little shout-out to me: i made that headband that i'm wearing. pretty cool, right?

the person taking this photo didn't seem too interested in taking it. He took and it and left. it was cold. we had to go inside, so this is it-- the family "Nemo" picture! :) 

Auden doesn't seem very happy in these outdoor pictures...

 but he's much happier now indoors!!

"Shark bait! Oh haha!" Thanks, Aunt Kaykay for the awesomely cute Shark hat!

our little shark boy! Hope you are safe and warm wherever you are!! We're hoping we can finally go outside tomorrow.  It was too rainy today.... not even having the option to go outside is kind of hard though! *sigh*.... wish us luck!


  1. Great pictures! The storm looks beautiful!

    Behind every family picture there is stopping and asking a random stranger if they mind--sure the stranger might be a little annoyed, but it's worth it. ('Embrace the camera' takes extra effort and planning.)

  2. oh family shots...we get them every few months or so--you guys are much better at it than we are! and i love the picture of the snow on the tree, sad (for the tree) and beautiful as well.
