
puppy love

there are days {ok, fine, lots of days}, where my sweet husband will let me get a couple more hours of sleep and get Auden in the mornings, feed him, and play with him.  He also does the dishes-- can I get a "woot woot" and a "best husband" award over here??? 

Anyway, sometimes I'll hear a "mamamamamama" by me and I realize that Auden has crawled over, stood up, and is trying to climb onto the bed to me.  sweetest. thing. ever. even if I am sleep deprived... so I go and lift him up and bring him on to the bed with me and he gives me loves.  He'll give me kisses... I give him kisses... he lays down next to me.. and just lets me know that he missed and loves me.  Seriously some sweet mama moments going on every morning.  I'm excited for the day when Auden completely realizes how to cuddle and won't wrestle and bite us every time we attempt to teach him the whole cuddling concept... but then again, those days will be a lot more than these.  He's not going to be biting us at age 5.... right?? Crossing my fingers over here.  By then, I hope he understands that when I "cry" it's not a sign for more bites. We're constantly on our toes because of this one.  Sometimes it's because he'll try and nip at our pants but gets actual leg... sometimes it literally because he wants to bite our toes.  I thought we had a baby boy in the family, and not a puppy.  I guess we were wrong! 

this morning, 2/7/2013

1 comment:

  1. ....i LOVE sleep and I'm not getting up with a baby but sleeping in is still one of the sweetest treasures--I totally know what you're saying! WAY TO GO NELSON! DADDY/HUSBAND AWESOMENESS.

    The biting sounds so funny! Sorry to laugh at your pain. He's probably just feeling chewy. :)
