
our Sunday

Once Auden was born, Sundays quickly became my favorite day of the week.  It meant that the three of us could be together all day.  It's a real treat, especially when Nelson is gone {sometimes} 12 hours a day!! 

This Sunday was extra sweet because Nelson was away for most of the weekend.  It was just me and my little boy... It was rough and lonely being a single parent for the weekend.... but it made seeing my husband so great!  Auden was also very excited to see Nelson.  He would take the phone during phone calls, put it to his ear, and "talk" to his daddy.  I tried coming closer and he pushed me away-- it was daddy and Auden time.  Then once we saw Nelson at the airport, he immediately wanted daddy to hold him.  Every time Nelson moved out of sight, it was panic and extreme sadness.  it's kind of the best thing when your baby misses you and shows so much love. 

A recent, super-cute development: Auden claps!!! He claps when he does something cool {like standing up on his own!}, when I sing {sometimes...}, or when daddy acts like the court jester {especially during dinner}!  It's pretty hilarious.  I can't believe how much this kid has grown... in LESS THAN 30 DAYS he will be a one. year. old. Where did this year go?? I still haven't thrown away our 2012 calendar because all those little numbers mean so much.  They were days when we welcomed Auden into our lives for the first time... when he smiled for the first time.. when he sat up for the first time... when he said "mama" and "dada"... when he first tried solids....  all those repetitive 1-30 numbers are filled with so many memories... how can I throw it away?? But as the days continue on, my love for my little boy and my little family just grows more and more. I am so blessed to have these boys in my life. 


  1. he can clap! wahoo! henry hasn't been army crawling..he prefers crawling on his hands and knees more...all this growing up nonsense is making me crazy!

  2. CUTE!! I love the picture of you two. By the way your hair looks phenomenal. Did you curl it? No way is your hair naturally curly and I didn't know...

    1. Lindy!!! Thank you for the hair compliment. My hair is NOT naturally curly... I WISH!!! I love curly-- and i mean curly-- hair. It's just hair wrapped around fabric, tied and pinned. I sleep on them (damp hair) and then wake up and cross my fingers for not crazy hair. :)

  3. The year has FLOWN by. Did you perm your hair, or just curled? I really want to try permed hair but I need to get up the courage to do it. I know there are many different kinds/styles of perms. If permed, what is the name of the one you got? You always look gorgeous. Where did Nelson go? Wherever it was hopefully it means something good. Love to you all!

    1. So, I have done SO MANY things to my hair... I've done really curly perms and a lot more looser perms. Loose perms are GREAT. Air drying was awesome because it would look like I actually did my hair, but didn't. The loose perm I got was called a beach wave perm. They used sponges as rollers... you could always just "try" out a perm-- put your hair in rollers (I use strips of fabric) overnight!

      Nelson went to Atlanta to interview at Emory so definitely something good. Love you!!!

  4. It was really tender to see Auden's love this past weekend when I came home. You seem to have put it perfectly. How wonderful that boy is makes me teary-eyed. He mommy is incredible but she never really takes the credit. :)
