
happy birthday, auden!

oh my stars...

it's been {over} a year of cuddles... kisses... cries... laughter and just so much bubbly goodness. like a really good soda....  It's pretty predictable that my day will include all of these every single day.  And that is not a problem for me.  To be completely honest, it has been the hardest year of my life physically, mentally, and emotionally.  but every night, I realize how worth it this all is.  I have never felt more "at home" with myself in a role that I've taken on.  This is what I was meant to do.  I feel that. I truly feel that all of the things I have learned has led me to become Auden's mama.

So, for this boy's birthday, he didn't have one party-- but two!! Talk about spoilage.... I guess we don't have to do one next year!! ;) Like I said in Auden's birthday banner post we celebrated with the our friends, the Mangums.  On the Saturday of the birthday weekend, we all gathered at the Mangums' home to enjoy the boys' welcome to toddlerhood!

Look at those boys eating their cakes!!! "sugar... sugar.... SUUUUGGGAAAAR!"  

 they're still not the best at playing with each other, but it's pretty much already planned that they will be friends. 


The next day was Auden's birthday, the 24th.  My parents were in town (they would not miss their first grandbaby's birthday... ever) and we had a Korean traditional first birthday (called dol-- pronounced like the "Dole" juice.. but with a stronger "d" sound), well, as traditional as we could do.  We had lots of fun and ate lots and LOTS of great food (which is a great thing about Korean parties/get-togethers), but in some of these pictures, Auden may indicate otherwise.  Disclaimer: we had just gotten out of church, I don't think he napped very long... and he was hunger.  Basically: DISASTER.  Hurricanes, tornadoes, earthquakes got nothin' when it comes to a baby/toddler and their basic needs for survival.

look at that rage!!! 

 what i've learned about Auden: food = happiness. 
.... he gets it from me.... 

 it's like the tears never happened... 

thank you to my sweet aunt in korea who sent the beautiful hanbok

thanks to everyone who wished Auden a happy birthday. 
thank you to everyone who has been there, supporting us during this first year of parenthood. 
thanks to my parents who came, and other family who were there in spirit! 

happy birthday, baby boy. 
thanks for coming into our lives and making us the happiest of happy. 


  1. Yay! The pictures are great. He looks so adorable in that hanbok. Man, that baby boy....so precious. Make sure you tell mom and dad about this post so they can check out these pictures as well.
    Can't believe how much he's grown! Love that boy so much.

    1. You might have to show them. Dad sometimes STILL thinks that a blog is some kind of email... he's like "ginnieandnelson@blogspot.com right??" oh silly dad....

  2. He looks so darling in his hanbok! And you are absolutely stunning! I can't believe they are one!!! 13 months now, even! So crazy. Ginnie, you are so gorgeous! I just read through all of your blog and I love it. I am so happy I got to meet you. I wish we could talk all about life. I hope life continues to be SO beautiful for you, and that we stay in touch always.

    1. I know... those little ones of ours are not so little any more right?? And who knew that so much personality and attitude would come! I feel like since Auden can walk now, he is just so much more demanding! So different from the calm, serene, sober child I knew a year ago... I wish we could meet up now. When we met life was just so crazy. You had little, little Jude.. pregnant.. we both had babies at the same time.. then you guys had to move! :( But we met for a reason. We'll be friends forever. Love you, Linzi! Thanks for your inspiration. I love your beauty-- inside and out, and how you look at life. I hope that life stays beautiful for YOU!


  3. It was a great birthday celebration! Despite Auden's wiggliness, we got some great pictures.

    1. "wiggliness" is a much nicer, more politically correct way of putting his attitude.

  4. You all look so happy! Love you guys!

  5. I love these pictures!!! All the food at the traditional birthday party is so artistic and beautiful. You look radiant in you hanbok, really like a princess/queen. Nelson is such a handsome daddy. It makes me teary. Wish we all could've been there for that party. I think the picture where Auden is upset and hungry is precious!
