
these boots were made for walkin...

It has happened.  The day that we had all been waiting in anticipation... my Auden boy is a walking boy!  While we were in Washington visiting family, my mother and sister in law were able to coax/trick him into taking about 10 steps.  Then about a week later, he was doing the same thing! Day after that, more steps.  Now he hardly ever crawls.  I have to admit, when this first started happening... I felt like my baby was slipping through my fingers.  But the blessing is that there is a lot of fun with a walking baby boy.  I love him in jeans, a hoodie with the hood up, and holding his hand as we walk around together.  The other day, he had his box of goldfish crackers, walking around the sidewalk in our front courtyard, waiting for daddy. It was so precious.  And you better believe that people were in awe as they saw the handsome boy! ;)  I love that he now waves at people-- especially the ladies and other little children.

Tangent story that you'll appreciate: there is a little girl, three years old, that Auden is smitten with.  We were at a primary activity and Auden walked up to her and tried to hold her hand.  She kept trying to take her hand away and sweet Auden kept trying to hold it.  He eventually gave up.  Basically I melted all over the floor when I saw this.  What a little flirt!  I can't get enough of this boy and his growing personality...

Anyway, here are some comparison videos.  The first I posted a few months ago.  It was around when he was 9 months (?maybe??) and we had just bought the walker toy for him.  The next video is him when he first started to really walk (April 3rd).  He is so much better now!  I can't wait to see him walk around, holding hands with his friends, his aunties and uncles, cousins.... um, pretty much the most precious thing ever.  Thanks for sharing in this amazing milestone with us!

9 month old baby: 

13 month old toddler:


  1. I love the story about waiting for daddy and munching on goldfish. I even more love the story about Auden and the 3-year-old girl, that reminds me of B and I remember so poignantly the feeling!

    Loved both videos. What a cutie. At the end of the video it gave youtube suggestions and showed your "Gotta Be the Good Life" LOVED IT!!! I think you should make another current version. :) :) :) :)

  2. AWWW!!! I'm dying. What a cutie!

  3. Hurray!! I really can't wait until I'm out there and taking walks with him, all the while holding his hand. :) Such a great milestone!!!
