
birthday banner pictures

I took a nice semi-vacation from blogging and the internet/social media outlets.  It was nice to unplug and live life without worrying about capturing this moment then that... and then post them.....  I might regret it later on in the future... but it can be so refreshing to detox from technology around me for just a little smidgen.

What better way to slide back into this blogging world than a nice timeline of Auden's chunk-a-chunk! That boy is no longer a baby according to the American Academy of Pediatrics!  He's a big ol' toddler!! And looks the part too.... has for a while.... Anyway, he's not walking quite yet.  Could, but chooses not to. {that little rascal...} but I am soaking in all these last crawling sessions.  He's not fast enough yet to craw away from me. but that day when he starts running from me.... I can see it in the distance....

Back to the timeline: For one of Auden's first birthday parties, we joined forces with our friends The Mangums and celebrated with their one year old, Henry.  He was born just a few days before Auden.  What fun, eh?? it was Emily's cute idea to print out pictures of the boys and display them for all our "oohs" and "aaahs" to be expressed.  I couldn't bear to throw them away after... or hide them away in some what-I-call-a-scrapbook=a-pile-on-my-desk.  So, the obvious solution was to make an Auden shrine on our living room/bedroom wall!  taaa-daaa! 

I did a previous post about Auden growing in just a few months... this one is definitely more intense: a full year of growth! 

in the hospital. just a bit after he was born.

one month: 

two months: 

three months: 
he had a lot of scowl at around this age... he had a great angry old man look.
{more hawaii pictures here here}

four months:

five months: 
more mobile, but just not quite enough

six months: 

compare above and below-- he perfected the whole sitting up business. 

seven months: 
the peak of his chubba-chubba

this other precious boy is Henry (mentioned above-- we had the combined birthday party for the two)

eight months: 
....that time I gave Auden THE horrible haircut... 

our awesome bovine experience at the Topsfields Fair

9 months: 

10 months: 

11 months:

a couple weeks short of 12 months: 

my big one year old boy. 
this was taken on his actual birthday. we had a traditional korean first year birthday (well, traditional as we could do).  My parents were in town and I have a bunch more pictures from this day. I'll be posting them soon! 


  1. 4, 6, 7, and 9 months are my favorites; especially 4. I can't believe he's already grown up so much!! I love Auden so much!! Can't wait to see all the pictures you took from his birthday party!

  2. the traditional birthday was awesome and Auden looked so cute in the outfit

  3. LOVE this post and can't wait to see the next one! I think his hair has always made him look like a much older baby/toddler than he was at the time. 9 months is OH SO PRECIOUS!!!

    This might be old news but I like the changes to the blog look! (The blog header, about me, layout--all look great! You are so very talented!)
